Josefa Dawn Photography: Blog 2023-07-27T02:46:00Z (C) Josefa Dawn Photography Josefa Dawn Photography Is blogging for me?

I used to keep a journal.  From my early teen years all the way up through my early 30s I kept various books of musings.  I also used to write a bit of poetry.  For some reason, at some point in my life - I choose to not write.  I would pick up a journal, add an entry, then not pick it up again for one or two and even three or four years.  At 40, the stars aligned and my soul mate became my constant companion. I suppose that complete bliss no longer required a journal as my life was now and forever an open book to my partner who is now wife of 20+ years.  The digital age of photography came alive for me and I spent more time with the camera and less time with a pen.  I did find a way to combine my love of photography and my love of words.  For many years now I have produced a "Motivational Calendar" with 12 or 13 of my best shots of the previous year with an original quote.  You can see calendar photos here on my website.

Long story, short - I will give this blogging a whirl.  We will see.  Currently, and for as long as I can remember, my time is very occupied with my work.  I have been an RN for 42 years.  I started my career in Oncology and in 1997 I made the logical shift to Hospice.  After 26 years of leadership positions in Hospice, it continues to be an all-consuming endeavor.  But an endeavor of love that I would not trade for just about anything.

So here we are.  Next entry I will write about some current little trips and the photos those trips yielded. Sometimes, my best pics happen when I'm sitting outside on the patio at home!   I also just obtained a new super duper MacBook Pro and I am not doing any work with it.  Only photography, mostly editing.  I'll use the new laptop to keep my website up to date and to a bit.    Til next time.

Josefa Dawn Photography (C) Josefa Dawn Photography 2023-07-27T01:44:02Z 2023-07-27T01:44:02Z